
Reformer Pilates

Reformer Pilates in Guildford

Many people are familiar with the idea of Pilates but might not know what Reformer Pilates is. This type of Pilates involves a Reformer Pilates machine which was first invented in the 1920s by Joseph Pilates, the founder of Pilates. This machine involves a series of ropes, pulleys and springs which allow the participant to benefit from excellent strengthening and toning opportunities in an incredibly safe way. 

As one of the few places in Guildford with Reformer Pilates machines, we are in a privileged position to offer this to our patients as it is an extremely safe form of rehabilitative exercise for all levels of ability. 

Our Reformer Pilates machines are in our central Guildford clinic and all Pilates sessions are run by our certified Pilates instructor who also has a Masters degree in Osteopathy and Sports Massage. You will start by completing a consultation questionnaire to make sure that your individual strengths and weaknesses are known and that the classes offer you the right balance of support and challenge. Classes are then available for individuals, couples or small group classes of up to 3 people as appropriate.

Reformer Pilates machine

Reformer Pilates Machine

Individual and couples classes

1:2:1 and couples classes are available on demand throughout the week.

Individuals classes can be either 30 or 45 minutes long. 

Couples* classes are one hour long.

All classes take place at our Dapdune House Clinic.


30 minutes classes (individuals): £30
45 minute classes (individuals): £45
1 hour classes (couples*): £80

Block of 10 x 30 minute classes: £270 (One class free – saving £30)
Block of 10 x 45 minute classes: £405 (One class free – saving £45)
Block of 10 x 60 minute classes: £720 (One class free -saving £80)

All block bookings to be used within 6 months of purchase.

Please note that payment is required on booking for one off class bookings. 

Block booking payment must be made in person at the first session. You are welcome to book as many of your 10 sessions as you would like through the online system before your first session. Alternatively book your first session now and come back and add subsequent sessions as required.

*friends, partners, colleagues…

Who is Reformers Pilates for?

There are exercises for all levels of ability from complete beginners to advanced. It is an excellent form of safe rehabilitation from injury, surgery or as an exercise workout on it’s own. All of the Pilates equipment is extremely adaptable to suit all levels. If anyone has any doubts about their ability to do Pilates they should contact their GP. All patients are screened on their initial session to ensure Pilates is safe for them. Expert advice may be required from the consultant or GP.

Reformers are an excellent form of focussed, non-weight bearing, low impact exercise which is great for maintaining and improving good quality of movement, posture and strength which is ideal for everyone. It really helps to ease lots of muscular aches,  address imbalances and improve body awareness and improve quality of life. Used by lots of professional sports people to enhance their performance and aid their recovery. 

If you want to find out more about some of the benefits of Reformers Pilates and who it can help, this health website explains in more detail stating, “Reformer Pilates is great for athletes, pregnancy, rehab, strength, cardio, flexibility – I could go on!” 

Benefits of Reformers Pilates

Whilst Reformer Pilates first became well known due to its use by models such as Elle Macpherson, the true benefits are in the strength, flexibility and balance that it brings. Here are just some of the benefits:

  • strength — particularly around the core, pelvis, glutes and thighs
  • flexibility
  • balance
  • focus & coordination
  • posture
  • body alignment
  • lower blood pressure
  • improved cardiovascular health

Reformer Pilates is particularly well suited for people with lower back pain as it focuses on stabilising the muscles around the spine.

What our patients say...

Gemma is brilliant! Very knowledgeable, advises on strengthening exercises and really feel much better after my appointment. See her regularly for a historic neck/shoulder problem and would definitely recommend her.


Having just started to try and get fit - this resulted in some injuries to calves, to hip-flexes, and not insignificant discomfort. Gemma was excellent in identifying the issues, and treating the problems. A friendly, personal touch combined with excellent treatment.


Reformer Pilates prices

Before your first session we will ask you to complete a consultation form so that we can ensure the class is tailored to your specific needs and requirements.

Individual sessions are available in 30 minute or 45 minute classes. Prices vary accordingly.

Sessions can be paid for on a pay as you basis or in blocks of 10. Blocks of 10 include 10 classes for the price of 9 individual class prices.

Usual 24 hour cancellation policy applies.

Register your in interest in Pilates sessions

If you’d like to know more about Pilates classes, please get in touch.